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Comprehensive guide to reading your Alabama car accident report

Alabama car accident attorney

If you were involved in a crash and the police responded, the details were documented in a 4- to 6-page long Alabama car accident report. The information found in this report will provide critical details on how your crash occurred, who was involved and if any arrests were made or citations issued.

This information can serve as supporting evidence in your car accident case. That's why Dean Waite & Associates, LLC has offered a comprehensive guide on how to obtain and read your car accident report.

What will I find in my Alabama car accident report?

It's important that you always review your car accident report to ensure that all of the information is accurate. Click here for a visual reference to Alabama's Uniform Traffic Accident Report. Below is the information you can expect to find on your report.

Page 1 — Basic information:

  • Date and location of your crash
  • Information on the drivers involved in the crash, including names, addresses and phone numbers.
  • Crash type by coded number in a section marked "Collision Event."
  • Driver negligence, such a drunk driving, distracted driving, etc.
  • Drunk driving tests that were given (field sobriety tests or breath tests) and what the results were.
  • Where vehicle damage occurred (circled in the diagrams on the right side of page 1).
  • The speed limit and the estimated speed the at-fault driver was traveling at the time of the crash (documented in the left part of the middle section).
  • Citations and arrests made.
  • Other contributing factors (found in the lower left corner).

Page 2 — Injuries, narrative and witnesses

  • Injuries reported and injury types found in the section labeled "victims" near the top of the page
  • Diagram and written narrative on how the investigating officer believed the crash occurred
  • The weather and road conditions that could have contributed to the crash
  • Names and contact information of witnesses

Page 3 — Additional crash victims and additional narrative

On this page, an officer will document any additional injuries and hospitalizations that occurred as a result of the crash. Below that, you can find a continuation of the written narrative.

Page 4 — Larger crash diagram

This page provides additional space for the investigating officer to draw a diagram on how the crash occurred.

Page 5 — Truck and bus supplemental sheet

This section provides information regarding crashes involving large commercial trucks or buses. Here, you will find vehicle information and hazardous material involvement. It's important to pay attention to this section if:

  • The truck that caused your crash was carrying hazardous materials.
  • The officer checked "yes" for the question "Was hazardous material released from this vehicle's cargo?"

Near the bottom of the page, you'll find "Motor Carrier Information." This is where you can find the contact information for the trucking company or fleet owner of the truck involved in your crash. Dealing with trucking companies can be difficult. Let an experienced truck accident attorney handle this for you.

Page 6 — Truck types and hazard material placards

Here is what you will find on the last page:

  • Vehicle type
  • Typical hazardous material placards that represent the type of hazard involved.

How to obtain your crash report

You may obtain your Alabama car accident report online from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. A PDF copy will cost $17 and can be purchased with a credit or debit card. This purchase is non-refundable.

It can take up to 10 business days from the date of your crash for your report to be available online. Once the report becomes available, you will have access to it for seven days from the first day of viewing it.

Contact our law firm for help with your car accident case

While your attorney can use your car accident report as a key piece of evidence to help you build a strong claim, a more in-depth investigation will need to be conducted. Attorney Dean Waite and his legal team will gather the facts. We'll also help you get the compensation you deserve to pay for medical expenses, lost wages and other damages accrued from your crash.

Contact us online to learn more. We serve clients in the greater Mobile area and offer free case evaluations.

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